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City Nature Celebration & Tracking the Seasons

An Earth Day celebration that begins with an overview of the wild places of Burlington and Winooski,  followed by a second presentation: Seasons, Phenology, and A Mysterious Clock.

Speakers: Alicia Daniel, Zoe Richards, and Gustave Sexauer

Bee on Flower

Insects and Pollinators

This presentation will feature insects that emerge in Spring and play a key role in pollinating native and agricultural plants.

Speakers: Amy Seidl and Bryan Pfeiffer


Birds of Winooski and Burlington

In anticipation of World Migratory Bird Day (May 8), a local ornithologist will feature the natural history of bird species returning to Burlington and Winooski this spring.

Speaker: Allan Strong


Mammals in the Queen city: The top of Burlington's Food Chain?

Diverse mammal communities in Burlington suggest that we still have the biologically diverse food chain to support them. For many years, Burlington's community of naturalists has used trail cameras to document the four legged friends that share our city. Getting past the urban stereotype of trash pandas and skunks raiding our garbage, come learn about the fascinating cast of characters in Burlington VT that ranges from bobcats to coyotes to fisher.

Speaker: Declan McCabe


Birds of Winooski and Burlington

In anticipation of World Migratory Bird Day (May 8), a local ornithologist will feature the natural history of bird species returning to Burlington and Winooski this spring.

Speaker: Allan Strong


City Nature Celebration & Tracking the Seasons

An Earth Day celebration that begins with an overview of the wild places of Burlington and Winooski,  followed by a second presentation: Seasons, Phenology, and A Mysterious Clock.

Speakers: Alicia Daniel, Zoe Richards, and Gustave Sexauer

Bee on Flower

Insects and Pollinators

This presentation will feature insects that emerge in Spring and play a key role in pollinating native and agricultural plants.

Speakers: Amy Seidl and Bryan Pfeiffer

Upcoming Events

Sustainable Foraging

Date: Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Time: 5:30 PM  to 7:00 PM

Location: Intervale Center 180 Intervale Road Burlington, VT

Led by: Duncan Murdoch, Natural Areas Stewardship Coordinator and John Gonter, Naturalist and Vermont Fish and Wildlife Volunteer.


Come join us to learn about sustainable foraging practices on the land managed by the Intervale Center.  Find out where foraging is permitted in the greater Intervale landscape, what plants are in season, which are edible and how to be an ethical harvester by taking the Ethical Harvester’s Pledge.

Walk of Wheeler Nature Park

Date: April 9, 2022

Time: 1:00 PM

Location: Wheeler Nature Park, South Burlington

Led by: Ethan Tapper, the Chittenden County Forester


Join Ethan Tapper, the Chittenden County Forester, for a walk-through of Wheeler Nature Park in South Burlington.  As County Forester, Ethan advises landowners, municipalities, and conservation organizations on how to care for and responsibly manage their forests for wood, water, air, wildlife, carbon sequestration and storage, climate change resilience and more.  He will discuss the ecology of Wheeler and what management might be appropriate to create great wildlife habitat, control non-native invasive species and support our biodiversity.

Sustainable Foraging of Wild Edibles
Climate Action Stewardship

Date: April 20, 2022

Time: 9:00 AM

Location: Intervale Center, 180 Intervale Road Burlington, VT

Participate in One Tree Planted's Earth Month! 

Come plant trees with us!  The Intervale Center has been working with VT Audbon and one of our farms, Diggers Mirth to transition a field that they no longer grow vegetables on (due to increased flooding).  This will be phase two of creating bird and pollinator habitat to increase diversity and provide an essential ecosystem service.  It's a win, win, win, win!


Earth Day Invasive Removal

Date: April 22, 2022

Time: 10:00 AM

Location: Muddy Brook Wetland Reserve, South Burlington

Led by:  Tim Larned, Winooski Valley Park District


Join Winooski Valley Park District Staff and other volunteers celebrating Earth Day by helping to improve important shrubland habitat. Parking at trailhead off Van Sicklen Rd. South Burlington. There is limited parking so please reach out to if you are planning to attend. Mud Boots recommended! We will plan to get in a couple hours of Invasive ID and removal and then save some time (12-1) for a hike out to a recent shrubland habitat restoration project the Winooski Valley Park District worked with the Champlain Valley Conservation Partnership (CVCP), the City of South Burlington, Audubon VT and US Fish and Wildlife Services to complete. The hike will be dependent on the ground drying out enough for a group to use.

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Help document the diversity of life across the Burlington-Winooski landscape during a four-day bio-blitz (April 28 - May 1)

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We're panning for another hands-on experience at the Intervale this year. Join us on Saturday April 30th. 

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Join us on tba at Main Street Landing to learn about wildlife in the Burlington Area from speaker tba.

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Help Create
a Nature Clock

Learn more about how the information collected in iNaturalist will help create a series of nature clocks. These clocks visualize the timing of recurring seasonal events in nature over 12 months.


We're planning more in-person learning opportunities and the City Nature Challenge group has lots of resources for teachers and parents.  

Helping Hands

It takes a whole group of partners to put together a regional event like this. Learn more about the organizations involved in this year's City Nature Celebration.

UPCOMING: (2022)

Mammals in the Queen City: The top of Burlington's food chain?

Speaker: Declan McCabe

Diverse mammal communities in Burlington suggest that we still have the biologically diverse food chain to support them. For many years, Burlington's community of naturalists has used trail cameras to document the four legged friends that share our city. Getting past the urban stereotype of trash pandas and skunks raiding our garbage, come learn about the fascinating cast of characters in Burlington VT that ranges from bobcats to coyotes to fisher.


St. Michael's College students in collaboration with The Intervale Center, have combed through tens of thousands of grainy images of fuzzy nocturnal visitors to Vermont's largest city. Come see some of the highlights of our findings from Burlington and the greater Burlington area.


Come learn about Burlington's mammals, and about the steps we can take so that our city remains a fox and bobcat city, and does not become a squirrels and rats city.

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Help document the diversity of life across the Burlington-Winooski landscape during a four-day bio-blitz April 28 - May 1.

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We're planning for another hands-on experience at the Intervale this year. Eat some foraged ice cream and snacks, plant fiddlehead ferns, and check out tabling organizations. Join us on Sunday April 30th. 


Join us on April 19th and 27th at Main Street Landing to learn about spiny softshell turtles and the bees of Burlington  from speakers

Destini Acosta and Jason Mazurowski.

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Come explore our spring wildflowers and spectacular trails along the cliffs of Lake Champlain at your own pace, or register in advance to participate in a free guided activity on Saturday April 29th.


We’ll be offering free pizza from our outdoor wood-fire pizza ovens, and free s'mores with chocolate from Lake Champlain Chocolates.

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The Intervale Center is partnering with the Winooski Valley Park District to expand a previously planted buffer strip along the Winooski River by interplanting an additional 200 trees and shrubs to diversify the new buffer for bird habitat on April 18th!

Helping Hands

It takes a whole group of partners to put together a regional event like this. Learn more about the organizations involved in this year's City Nature Celebration.

© 2024 City Nature Celebration Vermont.

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